Handling stress and emotions with self-discovery (FREE programme)

如何运用「自我认识」来减轻压力和管理情绪 (免费课程)

*conducted in Cantonese with English and Mandarin Subtitles/粤语教导,附加中英文字幕

4 Simple Questions 

to analyse stress and dilemmas, through a structured approach to improve your body, heart, mood and energy.

6 Small Changes 

to revamp your work, family, interpersonal relations, joyful state, stress and emotion management – transcending your own perspective.  






Course Curriculum

Vian Cheung


Teacher Vian has been interested in spiritual meditation, wushu (martial arts), tai-chi and traditional chinese medicine since young. Currently, she is a Hong Kong certified martial arts instructor and referee. 

She has won multiple martial arts competitions over the years, and most recently in 2019, she was gold medalist for tai-chi and silver medalist for ba-gua sword at the 8th World Traditional Wushu Championships.

Teacher Vian has been teaching spiritual meditation, tai-chi, exercises for health maintenance and emotions management for years. More recently, she has been approached by corporates to develop various courses, which include emotion management, self-actualisation and communication techniques. 

You can also find Teacher Vian on www.facebook.com/weseetoo examining issues on society, life and environment ecology.




亦有在脸书VC2专页www.facebook.com/weseetoo 分享对社会、生活、环境生态的探讨。